Everyone, no matter how big or small needs to be understood, seen and connected to those around them.

What We Work On
Pronunciation, speech clarity/intelligibility, phonological skills (perceiving the differences between sounds and their distinctive features)
Verbally formulating coherent ideas, relaying past events, and telling stories using age expected grammar and clear language.
Receptive Language
Social Communication
Understanding spoken language such as multi-step directions, location terms and various linguistic concepts.
Entering, maintaining and exiting an interaction, sticking with the conversational topic, understanding abstract language (sarcasm, idioms, jokes etc.), reading body language and facial expressions, demonstrating appropriate body space and using eye contact effectively.
Speech Therapy services in Austin, TX
Meet Zahava

Zahava Merlis, the founder of Firefly Friends Speech Therapy, and practicing speech-language pathologist is passionate about helping illuminate every child's communication path so that they can share their stories and shine brightly! With over 10 years of clinical experience, Zahava is both knowledgeable and well-seasoned in her approach to diagnostic practices and therapy intervention. A strong focus on fostering meaningful client-clinician bonds, allows her therapeutic efforts to be impactful and lasting.